Volunteering efforts


Besides being a speaker on open source and infosec conferences, I help the NLUUG, a UNIX user community in The Netherlands. Before I was board member, part of the programme committee and responsible for PR and social media. Since 2024, I decided to spread my activities a bit more towards other initiatives and laid down most of my activities for the NLUUG and focus on the website mainly.

Communication and promotion

Another community I help is the Dutch NLLGG with focus on Linux and open source. I’m part of the communication commission, mainly in the role as strategic advisor. Part of the tasks is helping to promote our activities.


Information sharing is something I love to do. Definitely taking a lot of time to do, but worth the effort, seeing the many positive comments. I’ve now contributed over 180 articles for the Linux Audit blog.

Another blog is my Dutch blog about Linux. It is focused on Linux beginners and is called Linux voor een beginner. I share entry-level articles to help people get started with Linux and open source software.


To help younger people in the field of information security, I’m a mentor to a few people per year. I help them to make the right choices. This includes suggestions for certification and achieving actions to further progress in our field. No one was born as an expert, but we definitely need more of them.